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26th July, 2018

Skill Development for the youths in West Bengal

In West Bengal, unemployment due to lack of skilled workforce is the burning issue among the youths. Generally youths are forcible migrating to different places in West Bengal and working as a daily labours. The skilled manpower is really shortage in comparison with the present market demand. Keeping the problem in mind Turnstone Global is working for Skill development and Capacity building and livelihood generation since more than a decade.

Our vision and mission for youths who are school drop-outs, un-skilled, unemployed is striving towards sustainable livelihoods and gainful employment through fresh skilling, up-skilling and re-skilling.

Our main objective is to provide skill training and creating gainful employment for the socio-economic benefit of West Bengal and
 Introduce sector specific integrated skill development initiatives, at par with the present Industry need.
 Improve the existing skill sets in the un-skilled and un-employment workforce.
 Promotion of Self-employment among the jobless.

Training Activities:
Baseline Survey for skill Assessment: We conduct a base line survey of the targeted areas before starting the project.
Forming a core team, orientation and training: Forming a core team and provides orientation towards the present training is an important part of delivery.

Course Curriculum and Pedagogy: The training programs are comprising of two segments i.e. classroom and practical training. The course wise curriculum have been prepared as per the Sector Skill Council’s guidelines and NSQF aligned. Continuous personality development and soft skill classes for the trainees are undertaken with the support of professionals for grooming the trainees above their domain knowledge before final placement.

Assessment & Certification: We plan to conduct Pre-assessment, midterm-assessments internally and final assessment & certification is conducting by a third party assessor.
Eligibility and Selection of trainees: Priority gives to BPL / minority/ OBC / SC or ST/ Transgender/ Pwd. Candidates are finalised by proper screening and counselling after mobilization of the trainees.

Training of trainers: Turnstone Global hires the trainers who have certified or arranges training of trainers for their respective trades.
Training Delivery: Execution of training is very important for the impact of any skill development project. Our experienced trainers are imparting the training as per organisation’s SOP.

Placement & Placement Support: After successful training, the trainees should be placed in various private organizations. Along with that Turnstone Global promotes livelihood and self-employment support by rendering financial and market linkage support to the successful trainees to establish micro enterprises at community level.

Project with Government of West Bengal:
Department of Technical Education, Training & Skill Development; Government of West Bengal has launched the “Utkarsh Bangla”, a flagship project under PBSSD (Paschim Bangla Society for Skill Development) for placement linked short-term skill trainings in West Bengal. Turnstone Global is working closely with Government of West Bengal and PBSSD for committing their goal to provide large scale skill development for the poor, needy, marginalised youths of West Bengal and offer them job employment and entrepreneurial opportunities.
Under the project of “Utkarsh Bangla”, Turnstone Global is imparting skill training of more than 2000 school drop-outs youths in trades and sectors like Retail, Hospitality, Healthcare, IT&ITeS, Apparel, and Beauty & Wellness etc in its training centres at Siliguri, Purulia and Kolkata.

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